Start writing!
Or pamphlet, course companion, blog & more
Exporting your books to Word (.docx) and PDF is also available in app.
Writing & exporting an e-book doesn't get any easier than this.
Total discretion until you're ready to publish? You bet.
What's stopping you from writing like this?
Or like this?
Or like this?
Choose any visual theme to boost your creativity, out of 10+ available.
Novelitist works across many devices, even offline.
Write for print or digital, plain-text books or rich web content, easily.
When the environment is overwhelming, simply switch to minimalist bliss.
Keep your characters close, and your places closer.
Write your entire book in one section, or split it into a thousand.
Spell-checking is a chore, so let's take it off your plate.
Never get lost in your own book while writing it. You readers will, when it's done.
"The dog eat my homework" doesn't fly here. Your work is never lost.
Bare words have power, but sometimes you need an image to replace a thousand of them, or some bold and italic, maybe a table for good measure, too. You got it.
Preview and export your books at any stage of their completion, in widespread formats: EPUB, HTML (single file or micro-site), or plain text.
Saving your work is no longer your concern. Focus on writing, online and offline, anywhere you are. Your work is saved seamlessly while you create it.
Keep writing even on those long haul flights, and have it all synchronized when you get back online.
*Not forever, though.
Your work is safeguarded in the cloud. Get the highest guarantee of persistence and availability, wherever you are in the world, on any device.
We backup your work in the cloud. You can backup your work as portable standalone files on your computer, which you can store for safe-keeping anywhere you like.
Organize your work the way you like, using predefined templates that are fully flexible. Or you can just start from scratch, and build-up to more complex organization.
You get full visual theming, to suit your preference or mood. Toggle controls, zoom and widen the editor, to get the writing experience that's optimal for you.
Set word count and readability targets. Set deadlines, then stick to them. Know at each stage what your progress is and where you need to push harder.
Suggest enhancements and features, tell us what would make you write more, and better. Chances are, we'll just go ahead and build it for you.